

Emmanuel Rodriguez (potyl)

WebKit & Perl - v2

What is WebKit?

It's an open source web browser engine (not a browser).

A fork of KHTML (Konqueror) by Apple.

It's a library

Composed of 2 sub libraries:

With bindings for multiple languages (including Perl).

Used by


Safari, Google Chrome, Epiphany, Konqueror


Mail.app, Entourage (OS X), Steam


iOS, Android, Kindle


Cocoa, Qt, Gtk, SDL, WxWidgets, Win32, Adobe AIR

Web technologies

Why use WebKit?

If it quacks like a duck, acts like a duck, ...

Using WebKit with Perl

Multiple bindings exist for WebKit in CPAN:


Automatic language bindings generated at runtime

GNOME desktop uses this for all its new bindings

Material for a separate talk

How can we use WebKit?

Besides writing a web browser? :)

Custom GUIs with HTML, CSS and JS (ex: control rooms monitors)

Web page profiling (ex: page size, resources, download time)


Web Inspector

We can rewrite/automate the functionalities of the Web Inspector

Code examples

Simple web browser

use Gtk3 -init;
use Gtk3::WebKit;

# Build a WebKit frame
my $view = Gtk3::WebKit::WebView->new();

# Widget packing
my $window = Gtk3::Window->new('toplevel');
my $scrolls = Gtk3::ScrolledWindow->new();
$window->set_default_size(800, 600);
$window->signal_connect(destroy => sub { Gtk3->main_quit() });

# Main loop

Code: browser.pl

Simple web browser (pic)

Execute JavaScript

# Execute a JavaScript command as soon as the page is loaded
$view->signal_connect('notify::load-status' => sub {

    # Wait for the page to be loaded
    return unless $view->get_uri and $view->get_load_status eq 'finished';

    # Execute jQuery (the page must have jQuery loaded already)

Code: javascript.pl

Execute JavaScript (pic)

PDF screenshot

Use Cairo for saving a page as PDF

# With Gtk3 we can use offscreen rendering!
my $window = Gtk3::OffscreenWindow->new();

# Save the page as PDF file once loaded
$view->signal_connect('notify::load-status' => sub {
    return unless $view->get_uri and $view->get_load_status eq 'finished';

    # Use Cairo to grab a PDF (we can also use SVG, PostScript or PNG)
    use Cairo::GObject;
    my $width = $view->get_allocated_width;
    my $height = $view->get_allocated_height;
    my $surface = Cairo::PdfSurface->create("screenshot.pdf", $width, $height);
    my $cr = Cairo::Context->create($surface);


Code: pdf.pl

Run with: xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0 1024x768x24" pdf.pl

PDF screenshot (pic)

Text is selectable!

Resource tracking

Show the download time of each resource

use HTTP::Soup;

# Get the session that's responsible for all HTTP access made by WebKit GTK
my $session = Gtk3::WebKit->get_default_session();

# Track all download requests
$session->signal_connect('request-started' => sub {
    my ($session, $message, $socket, $resources) = @_;

    # A new download request starts
    my $url = $message->get_uri->to_string(0);
    my $start = time;

    # Track the when the download finishes
    $message->signal_connect(finished => sub {
        my $elapsed = time - $start;
        my $status_code = $message->get('status-code') // 'N/A';
        print "$url $elapsed seconds, status code $status_code\n";

Code: resources.pl


Control which pages can be loaded or not (clicks ONLY)

use URI;
my $allowed_dest = URI->new($uri)->host_port;

# Intercept all web pages requests and reject all requests that will bring us
# to an external web site. This works only for the iframes and links that have
# been clicked by the user.
# *** JavaScript and CSS are not blocked! ***
$view->signal_connect('navigation-policy-decision-requested' => sub {
    my ($view, $frame, $request, $action, $decision) = @_;

    my $uri = $request->get_uri or return;
    return if $uri eq 'about:blank';

    # Accept the request only if we stay in the same site
    my $dest = URI->new($uri)->host_port;
    return if $dest eq $allowed_dest;

    # Reject all requests going to a different site
    print "Access denied $dest\n";
    return 1;

Code: nanny.pl

Über Nanny

Control which resoure can be loaded or not (works on everything)

use URI;
my $allowed_dest = URI->new($uri)->host_port;

# Block ANY resource that goes to an external site. This works for all resources.
# Even for resources that are built at runtime through JavaScript.
$view->signal_connect('resource-request-starting' => sub {
    my ($view, $frame, $resource, $request, $response) = @_;

    my $uri = $request->get_uri or return;
    return if $uri eq 'about:blank';

    my $dest = URI->new($uri)->host_port;
    return if $dest eq $allowed_dest or $dest =~ /\.(ultra)?bstatic\.com:/;

    # Block requests to an external URI, 'about:blank' is never downloaded.
    print "Access denied $dest\n";

Code: uber-nanny.pl

DOM traversal

use Gtk3::WebKit ':node_types';

# Show which elements match the given CSS rules
    'div.featpostcard', 'td.c2name > a.hotelname'

sub find_elements_for_selectors {
    my ($node, @selectors) = @_;

    # Check if the current element matches the CSS rules
    if ($node->get_node_type == ELEMENT_NODE) {
        foreach my $selector (@selectors) {
            next unless $node->webkit_matches_selector($selector);
            printf "%s matches %s\n", $node->get_tag_name, $selector;

    # Recurse through the child nodes
    my $child_nodes = $node->get_child_nodes;
    my $length = $child_nodes->get_length;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
        my $child = $child_nodes->item($i);
        find_elements_for_selectors($child, @selectors);

Code: dom.pl


Find all elements that define CSS rules (<style> and <link>)

use Gtk3::WebKit ':xpath_results';

# XPath to find 'style' and 'link stylesheet'
my $doc = $view->get_dom_document;
my $xpath_results = $doc->evaluate(
    '//style | //link[@rel="stylesheet" and @type="text/css" and @href]',

# Show the CSS
my $length = $xpath_results->get_snapshot_length;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
    my $element = $xpath_results->snapshot_item($i);

    my $tag_name = $element->get_tag_name;
    if ($tag_name eq 'STYLE') {
        my $css_content = $element->get_first_child->get_text_content;
        print "CSS: $css_content\n";
    elsif ($tag_name eq 'LINK')  {
        my $href = $element->get_attribute('href');
        print "LINK: $href\n";

Code: xpath.pl

Real life examples

Find more scripts in github: https://github.com/potyl/Webkit

Some of the scripts

This slides

Questions ?
